Saturday, October 17, 2009

Second Chance

Tonight's post has everything to do with Seconds (as in, "That dinner was so delicious, I think I need to have SECONDS!"). Tonight's post's title was inspired from the group Shinedown, with a new(er) song called "Second Chance" (if you're a fan of KROQ, Los Angeles & Orange County's leading alternative-music station, you'll have heard it there, which is where I first heard it. In fact, I liked it so much that I unwittingly tagged it more than once in Shazam, one of my fave iPhone apps). But, I digress... which is not uncommon with me. Come along on Karen's Mind Road Trip, the ride is a magically wonderful one, I promise.

But back to the subject at hand. While the main refrain of the song is that "sometimes goodbye is a second chance", my thoughts are that it's about making #1 out of seconds. As in, second shooting. And, I **love** second shooting. Tomorrow (or, later today, as it's after midnight) I'm assisting my friend Colleen Bell (whom I've mentioned before) on another wedding up in LA. If you're a "glass is half-empty" type, you may say that you're not the "star of the show". But haven't you ever been to a movie or play where one of the supporting actors was so amazing, they blew away everything and everyone else for you in that movie/play? And so, while you're there to support, help and anticipate what the primary shooter needs -- and it's still work! -- for me, it's a license for creative freedom, to take time to capture those beautiful moments from unusual angles, where no one is anticipating me. Instead of being just work, or just a job, it's a chance to get back to basics, when you are reminded of why you do what you love, it re-ignites the passion for being behind the lens. Obviously, your first objective should be to enhance and round out the primary shooter's body of work, get all of the moments that they can't be there to capture themselves, or help switch out lenses, carry extra gear, etc... but oh the moments I've been able to get! Colleen and I have talked about this, that somehow there's less pressure on you as a second shooter, you get to do "the fun stuff", the creative stuff. So really, isn't being "second" really just all about your attitude?

And while we're on the subject of "seconds", regarding the concept of "add-ons": I'd like to mention plug-ins. Yup, plug-ins. I use them for my favorite programs, Adobe Lightroom and Adobe Photoshop. The programs on their own are hands-down, fantastic. But through years of using them, I always find things that I would like, to streamline and speed up my processes, all while improving my images. Well, ask and ye shall receive! That's where these plug-ins come in handy (I've mentioned these before too), such as action sets and tools from Kubota Imaging Tools, Totally Rad Actions, Jeffrey Friedl and Tim Armes. I'm planning a post soon for other photographers and aspiring photographers on my faves, where you can read more about what each one is, what they do, where to get them and why you should have them in your own workflow. I rely heavily on posts from my own photographic inspirations/heroes/mentors/teachers on Facebook and Twitter about the best of what's out there, and the options available to me and why I would want them. Often there are links for reviews of new or little known time-savers/gems, and I try to read about as many of them as I can. I believe in being informed, and I love sharing any knowledge I'm able to get as well!

So, not being first isn't always a bad thing. Being second, or even getting a second chance? Now THAT'S something worth being proud of, that you've made it so high on the food chain! Embrace it, make it your own. By loving what you do... that's when you turn your seconds into being firsts, especially in attitude. And that's something worth being proud of. Don't measure your failures, but rather, your successes, no matter how incremental -- being and staying positive is a key factor in how high you will be able to go not just in your career/profession, but in your personal life as well.

By the end of the weekend, I'll have more posts up, from a holiday family shoot I did at the San Clemente Pier recently to images from the Santa Barbara wedding that I shot (my previous post featured the slideshow I created for the bride and groom). Can't wait to share! Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend ahead!

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