Friday, August 14, 2009

It's Friday... I'm in Love...

Or Wednesday, as the case may be. But, this post's title has TWO meanings to it... besides being a song by the Cure (and a Friday that I post this entry), it's also representative of my friend and photographer, Kelly Reiter, who LOVES the Cure. And without her, I would not have been able to shoot this wedding!

Kelly is friends with a good friend of mine, and they both live in Arizona. I once tried to help Kelly out by getting tickets to a Cure concert for her (you had to be a resident of California to even be able to attempt to purchase the tickets), but even though it didn't work out, it gave us a chance to bond over our love of photography, especially anything to do with kids, weddings, events... anything with PEOPLE! When I was in AZ this past January for the Professional Photographers of America-sponsored Imaging USA Conference, I was even able to go by and see Kelly's booth at the Bridal Expo, which just happened to be in another building at the same conference center. Since then, we've become "Facebook Friends" as well. (And seriously... who doesn't love FB? What a GREAT way to connect, reconnect, and just keep up with all of those friends that when you don't necessarily have time to write long emails, you can at least see what's going on at a glance. Brilliant!).

So, Kelly's husband's father, David, has been with Elizabeth for 12 years now. They decided this year to make it official. As Elizabeth grew up in Laguna, once a year they come out to California and stay at the Arabella Cottages for a week (awesome, you must check them out! They're quaint and have a lovely old, warm feel to them). This year they decided a very small, private ceremony on the beach would be an ideal time to celebrate their love, and so Kelly asked me if I might be able to shoot it for them. So began a series of emails back and forth with David and Elizabeth, but I was so happy to be able to meet them when I was most recently in AZ in July, the 3 of us went to dinner, and they are so warm and fun, I felt immediately like I was part of their family too -- and so honored to be able to capture this special day for them!

I met with them again briefly this past Monday morning, so that I was able to see the specific area they were getting married... on the beach right next to the Montage Hotel in south Laguna. What a spectacular area. Not as if the rest of Laguna is anythin' to sneeze at, but this was just that much more secluded and picturesque.

Wednesday, I arrived at the cottage, where Elizabeth and David were with their closest friends and having a little wine and appetizers before heading down to the beach, but I started snapping a few pictures...

David is a Mickey Mouse fan... and so his cufflinks had Mickey on them (he also has a Mickey Mouse tattoo on his leg!).

And a picture of Elizabeth, looking lovely as she spoke with friends...

And I couldn't resist this light, or the old-style phone on the end-table, or the card that happened to be sitting right next to it, so perfect...

Then we snapped a couple of pictures in the garden. I love how David and Elizabeth look at each other! 12 years together and there's still so much love to share and to give. I find it inspirational and something to strive for in my own life... and not to settle for anything less than the best.

Then it was time to head down to the beach... look at Elizabeth's dress. Isn't it -- and doesn't she look -- gorgeous, in it? And... we had to sneak in a picture of David looking rather dapper in his jacket, sunglasses and wine glass in hand. Almost makes me think a little James Bond? But without the martini ... ;-)

And so the ceremony with Pastor Paul began. Look at the water and the sky! At sunset no less... you couldn't ask for a better day to get married.

There was a lot of laughter during the ceremony (in a good way!), and a lot of tears (in a good way)... it was very emotional too. Look at Elizabeth... cracking up and with a tear at the same time. Kind of symbolic of life, too, isn't it? That laughter and tears often go hand-in-hand.

I *love* this one... I could be super-cool and say that I totally saw Pastor Paul holding the ring in his hand before passing it to David to put on Elizabeth's finger, but really, I was concentrating on getting their faces and emotions and framing it just a certain way. Later, when I saw the ring there (and the rings on the outside of his booklet too!), let's just say I was very happy for a happy accident. Good pic anyway... but BETTER with the ring. I almost feel like you can hear what he is saying.

Then it was time for Elizabeth to reach under her dress and remove... a ROLEX! (this was David's ring) And look at his expression as she puts it on him! Love it!


...and then the kiss!

A close-up of the ring (Rolex in the background)... isn't it GORGEOUS? Elizabeth was so happy with what a good job David did in picking it out:

A couple of portraits of the happy couple...

On our way back up to the cars, we came across this little cutie. He was only 2 months old and just so tiny and sweet, we had to stop to say hi. How adorable is he (or she? not sure which)?!

And lastly... a quick view of Laguna Beach at sunset on a Wednesday night, August 13th:

As the song by the Cure goes (this is for Kelly!) ... "I don't care if Monday's blue. Tuesday's great and Wednesday too. Thursday I don't care about you. It's Friday, I'm in love." Well... I beg to differ. I think Wednesday is the day Elizabeth and David chose to proclaim their love, legally, spiritually and in front of the world. But in this case, I'd even go so far as to say, it's EVERY DAY they're in love. And again... thank you to Kelly, for giving me the opportunity of having such a great evening with some wonderful people. I wish them many more years of love and happiness.

And on the early morning hours of the last day of the week before the weekend, may I wish you a Happy Friday and a great weekend ahead.

Peace out! :-)

1 comment:

  1. Aww I found this blog today, Thank you Karen your too sweet!

    You did an awesome job and I know David and Liz are very happy.

